Sunday, November 12, 2017

OMY: 13 October - 12 November (W14-17)

After a lovely and lazy fall break in mid-October, we settled back into our hectic schedule of Chloe care and work. Several times throughout this month I've thought, "I should take a photo of this [insert event or activity here]." Almost every time I thought this, I forgot to follow through. Oh well.

Sat 14 October
Our poor, neglected Sadie. Weekends and breaks bring not love and affection, but brushing! I can barely keep up with the shedding, which is why all of us ingest about a kilo of dog fur each year...

Sun 13 October
At the end of Activity Week, all the kids and teachers took home a sweet paper lantern in honor of Chinese culture (thanks, Soneyaa and Tanya!). While inspecting it over the weekend, I noticed that it has just about the best "English" instructions ever.

Sun 13 October
Check out this writing -- especially #3.

Thur 19 October
My workout studio, thanks to I vowed over break that I would work out three times per week. Yup, that lasted about a week...

Wed 25 October
Chloe developed so much strength over this past four weeks. She loves planking (and of course now she's a crawling machine).
Wed 25 October
More outdoor antics.

Wed 8 November
We have new desks in the English office (thanks, Andrzej!), and it finally feels like a nice space.

Thur 9 November
Sadie's always lazing, and Chloe's always moving.

Fri 10 November
Now that Chloe crawls, you'll notice that we need to barricade off all of our electric wires behind a bunch of random crap.

Sat 11 November
I took this so I could remember how sweet she looks while she naps.

Sat 12 November
Nobody puts baby in a box!

Have a great week,
love, mel


  1. She’s crawling ������������

  2. Sorry they don’t print emojis- we are very happy she is crawling - though I know it’s a new challenge for you two! Love you! Can’t wait to see her in action!

  3. Love the photos and the update!! She looks very happy. So tiny to be crawling!
